
So what exactly is F.T.M is it then? Mainly its supposed to be a netlabel for me (DJ Muzaffar) to release and compile my work and mixes here. Although its only me running this and only the sole artist on this label so far, once I can attract enough attention I would like other people to join in as well as collaborating with other artist and make a release together. It doesn't necessarily have to be be a specific genre as I'm open to about anything I guess, hahaha...

If anyone wondered why its called "Feng Tau Music" (or Rave/Head-shaking music in English) is because of the kind of music I play. Its fast, its hard and its definitely enjoyable to listen to, even without alcohol or drugs lol. But apart from that, this blog/website is also mainly an alternate page to inform of all the latest online radio event or any happenings which I will try to update it here. Feel free to leave me any suggestions in the comments regarding F.T.M or whatever that you wanna know more. =)

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